Session 9 Facility & Geophysics

Christopher Howard (FRM II; TU München) & Nicolas P. Walte
Cool Pressure: Implementing cryogenic temperatures at the high-pressure instrument SAPHiR

Julien Chantel (UMET, U. Lille), Nadège Hilairet, Sébastien Merkel, Angel Arevalo-Lopez & Elena Solana-Madruga
Installation of a new multi-anvil apparatus at UMET, Lille, France

Matthew Whitaker (Minerla Physics Inst., Dep. Geoscien., Stony Brook U.), Haiyan Chen, Kenneth J. Baldwin, William R. Huebsch, Michael T. Vaughan & Donald J. Weidner
The COMPRES Multi-Anvil Facilities: Beamline 6-BM-B at the Advanced Photon Source, and the MAXPD Endstation at the National Synchrotron Light Source II

No video is available.

Eric Lenhart (Earth Scien., Western U.), Richard Secco
Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Fe-10wt%Ni at High Pressures with Implications for an Energy Source for an Early Dynamo in Vesta

Tony Yu (CARS, U. Chicago), Young Jay Ryu, Timothy Officer, Man Xu, Vitali Prakapenka, Stella Chariton, Peter Eng, Joanne Stubbs, Mark Rivers, Steve Sutton & Yanbin Wang
Large-Volume, High-Pressure Research at GSECARS Beamlines, Advanced Photon Source